Family Engagement
Family Engagement
At Jardin, we take a holistic, strengths-based approach to serving our children and families. We believe in providing quality care and services that nurture the whole child and the whole family. Jardin staff communicates with our families daily regarding their needs, growth, and goals. We take a collaborative approach in supporting our children and families and work to maintain a respectful, reciprocal, and responsive environment to ensure that our children and families will flourish.
Families are welcomed at Jardin and can utilize the center to meet with their children’s teachers, early intervention providers, and any other entity working to support the family’s needs.
Welcoming our families to spend time at Jardin allows our staff to work along side our children’s parents/ guardians and creates consistency between school and home. Parents/guardians are able to have daily interactions with their children’s teacher and Jardin staff. This provides families the child’s teachers the opportunity to hear from and learn from one another. Teachers are able to model positive interactions, parenting skills, and effective communication. By spending time in the classroom, parents/guardians are also able to work alongside our early intervention therapists and providers, so that the child’s teacher and family are implementing the appropriate therapeutic interventions for the child in all environments.
In addition to daily meetings, home visits, and family conferences, families also take part in our family events/celebrations, which include: field trips, family literacy nights, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, and so much more!

Parent Volunteer Program
Parents and family members are encouraged to spend time at Jardin and volunteer within the classroom or throughout the center. As such, parents are encouraged to volunteer a few hours per week at the center in a community service/volunteer capacity. Research shows that children benefit from having their parents/guardians contribute within their school environment. This program provides the opportunity for parents to increase their job skills, as well as the opportunity to work side by side with their child’s teacher, all for the best interest of the child.
Life Skills Enrichment Program
The Family Services Team at Jardin offers parenting/family education sessions and classes on various topics that build important knowledge and skills to help elevate our families. We conduct parent/family surveys to gauge interest, measure success, and receive and give necessary feedback. We also use progress reviews to track progress toward their individualized goals.
We offer classes in areas such as:
- Life Skills: effective communication, decision making, building relationships, stress management, motivation, health and nutrition
- Job Skills: time management, teamwork, resume writing, interviewing, dressing for success, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking
- Financial literacy: budgeting, money management, finding affordable housing, consumer tips, banking, savings, and securing your money
Our Family Services Team also hosts a Community Resource Fair. This event invites organizations and programs that are vital resources for our community to Jardin so that our families have direct access to the services they need. This event is open to our families and the community as a whole.
Flourishing Families Parent Mentoring Program
The mission of the Flourishing Families Parent Mentoring Program (FFPMP) is to foster a support network that elevates the families of Jardin de los Niños from a holistic strengths-based approach so that they will see their full potential through mentoring, career exploration, and a growth mindset.
FFPMP Objectives:
- Create a culture that sees mentorship as an effective way of developing individuals.
- Foster higher levels of engagement and personal growth.
- Help participants identify and achieve career development and personal growth goals.
- Support building leadership and communication skills.
- Create opportunities to build and establish a support network.
- Equip participants with the tools necessary to perform to their highest capability.
The FFPMP was developed to create a strong network for the parents at Jardin de los Niños. The intent of the FFPMP is to provide the opportunity for our parents to gain skills that will support them both personally and professionally through a strong mentorship experience. The end goal of the FFPMP is for the Mentors (community members) and Mentees (parents) to have the opportunity to grow together and to have a positive impact on one another’s lives.